Cool ඞ ඞඞඞ
chiptune enthusiast
art, percussion
Joined on 1/10/21
Cool ඞ ඞඞඞ
I mean, that pipe was always talking to me, calling, "douglas, baby, put the crack in me, quick"
preach it
Oh yeah... I 'remember' that site from when @neonkarrot22 was still around: That's that site where people go to get bullied when they do not feel miserable enough. -.-
Be careful out there...
heard about that. not worried, it's anonymous so people are gonna eventually say anything and everything. thank you bro
you're so gleeby deeby wtf? your art is so cool, i love it!
gleeby deeby is so awesome thank you
holy shit oah i never expsected thisz
cool i sent a music!
Wish you grand luck with college
Cool :3
I sent an amogus did it worked? :D
it did! its there for me to see in all of its glory