LITTLE NIGHTMARES YEAAH!!! the environment in this game has so much art potential, its dope you decided to give it a shot yourself
nice job
LITTLE NIGHTMARES YEAAH!!! the environment in this game has so much art potential, its dope you decided to give it a shot yourself
nice job
i've seen a few of your posts now and I really enjoy your style as well as your humor
keep up the cool stuff dude!!!!!!
Thanks broseph
this is super rad
thanks :)
yooo its been a while since youve posted
nice stuff
YES😭😭😭Since december¡¡ HIIIIII
this art immediately intrigued me to click on it, and it's super nice work
you've got an excellent style!!!
thank you very much!
art art art art art ART dot art
lookin super dope!!
Ayy thanks homie!! :DD
bro im just now looking at your comics and im bummed I havent discovered you sooner
Ay thank you so much, I'm glad you like them!
you should be really proud of yourself!!! the improvement is real, and i would still be impressed just by your 6th grade self for the creativity
Thanks! I still like the 6th grade drawings too for that reason. Today I probably wouldn't have as much of the carefree imagination as back then to draw these
chiptune enthusiast
art, percussion
Joined on 1/10/21